第1438章 西班牙的阿里坎特港












“Boss! We will be at“Alicante Port“ in five hours! This is the busiest and most chaotic port in Spain! Everything can be bought, from slave populations to weapons(注:老板!我们在有五个小时就到“阿里坎特港”!这是西班牙最热闹也是最乱的港口!什么都能买到,从奴隶人口到军火”)史密斯船长站在我面前说;

“Captain Smith, how much coal, fresh water, food, and other things do we need now! You are also familiar with our cargo ship, how much more can it hold? I looked at the chart and after passing Spain, we entered the Pacific! We need to replenish supplies several times along the way, and we can buy“tung oil and oil seven“ there!(注:史密斯船长,我们现在需要多少煤、淡水、食物、还有其他东西!我们这货船你也熟悉了,还可以装多少东西?我看了海图,过了西班牙我们就进入了太平洋!沿途我们还要补几次物资,而且那里能买到“桐油和油柒”!”)我笑着说;

史密斯船长掏出烟斗拿在手里笑着对我说:“Boss! I used to smuggle these things, and they were easy to buy at some ports on our way. I know the largest arms smuggler in“Alicante Port“,“Francie Scott“. We stopped at Alicante Port and I contacted him to get anything! Our ship is very good and has a large water intake. Coal, fresh water, and food are consumables, so our ship can also hold a lot of supplies, even on the deck! This also weighs down the ship!(注:老板!我以前是走私的,这些东西在我们的行驶途中的一些港口好买,我认识“阿里坎特港”最大的军火走私商“佛朗西.斯科”我们停船阿里坎特港我联系他,什么都能搞到!我们的船非常好,而且吃水量很大,煤炭、淡水、食物是消耗品,所以我们的船还可以装不少物资,甲板上也可以!这样也压船!”)史密斯船长笑着对我说!

“Okay! You go find Captain Duan and tell him what we and your family need, and then stop the ship to contact 'Francie Scott'! After stopping the ship, have your brothers carefully inspect our ship and fix any problems immediately! We'll leave after we replenish the supplies! You go arrange it! money Don't worry(注:好!你去找段队长他们把我们和你们家人需要的告诉他,然后停船去联系“佛朗西.斯科”!停船后让你的兄弟们仔细检查咱们的船,有问题立即修好!我们补充完物资就走!你去安排吧!钱!不用操心......”)........
